Sunday, August 30, 2009

Photos from Sherman Cafe

It was a fun time last Sunday night. Thanks to everyone who came and everyone who sent well wishes!
There's Abby and my sister Julie with a book I put together of all my Nick Mag comics. They both helped out a lot, and Julie's chocolate-covered blueberries were the hit of the show.

That's me with my very kind wife Cathy!

And that's my Mom - Hi Mom! No good picture of Dad, unfortunately, but they both helped out a lot, too.

Here's Jack, teaching me how to relax while standing up.

And here's my best piece in the show: a Godzilla and friends (and enemies) plate that I made in 1982, brought by Mom.

1 comment:

Gavin Goo said...

Great family photos Dan! :) Glad to see everyone had fun!